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Okay... today, I'm talking about mesh heads.
And be warned: It might get ugly, because I have a lot of feels about them, and they are mostly not pleasant anymore.

I wanted a mesh head. Yep. I set out to find some. I am okay with changing my look, so long as I still think I'm beautiful. I've had my shape since the first week I joined SL, it was literally the first thing I bought once I purchased linden dollars. After 8 years, yes, I have grown attached to it, but in the changing world of SecondLife, I really started to long for a change. I hunted down every mesh head I could find, from the Snow Rabbit one, TheMeshProject (TMP), Lelutka's many heads, Logo, Slink... I've probably tried them all! I grabbed every demo I could find as appliers for these heads. Each one had it's pros, and every one had cons to it. I like the teeth on TMP head, I liked the expressions of Slink, I like the lips on Letluka. But, I don't like the cost of TMP (for what you receive), I didn't like the eye shape of Slink, and I could not, for the life of me, find a skin that looked at all good with Letlutka. Keep in mind, all this is my opinion.

I quickly trashed all but TMP head. I had huge issues with this head, but I still kept it, because it was the most appealing one to me, out of all that I tried. Combined with a Pink Fuel demo applier that I tried, it really felt more like "Sai". A more squint-eyed, grumpy looking Sai, but still had a feel that I could live with.


This is a picture I snapped while trying TMP mesh head demo. It is a HORRIBLE demo!! The huge spinning text takes away any focus I had in trying to look at the skin. And what the heck, no back of the head? No neck? No eyelashes? No ears? I can't see how it looks with my Maitreya body? I had actually messaged the help avatar they suggested in their notecard - because not being able to see the most important parts of the head, how am I supposed to make a decision? I thought I was doing something wrong! (The picture I am posting here is the exact one I sent to them, too) Well, I'm STILL waiting to hear back from their shoddy support! Is it so hard to message me back with a simple - "Working as intended"? This alone should have forced me to run away. Their terrible "shopping experience", the terrible matching support... But nope, I allowed it to sit in my inventory and I continued to think about it.


In the end, I decided to to take the gamble and purchase it. Yep. L$5,000 for the head, and then L$2,000 for the skin from Pink Fuel. At this point, better to go all out, right? The skin from Pink Fuel, however, came with the actual system skin, Maitreya appliers, Slink appliers - and every other applier I can possibly think of. It has several makeup options, lip glosses... and so much more. The skin pack, was actually a rather good deal, all things aside! The Maitreya appliers were actually a nice surprise in the pack as well, because the vendors didn't list them! I was actually walking over to buy the Maitreya appliers when I noticed they were included.

So, I'm going to list out my feelings on this mesh head.

  • Very expensive for what you get! L$5000 for the animated head, which isn't really very animated. It blinks, you can close the eyes, and the mouth can be opened or closed. Worth the extra L$2,000? You decide.
  • The demo! Why can't I view the ENTIRE head? 
  • My existing hair doesn't fit! All my favorite Truth, Letlutka, or little bones hair does not fit! Which, unfortunately, I did not know until after I purchased - because the demo does not have the back of the head! Another reason the demo sucks. I had to go out and find new hair that fits it. I've had really good luck with hairs from Tableau Vivant, and Exile fitting it well. I'm going to have to change favorite hair stores now.
  • A took a lot of figuring out how to make it look good with my Maitreya body. Have to wear the Retrofit head, with no neck blending... have to fiddle with the "fit" to get no seam gaps. It's a disaster.
  • Absolutely no expressions. For the less linden, I could have gotten a head that has expressions, and does A LOT more.
  • The shopping HUD. I hate it. I've done a lot of shopping in my day, and this was - without a doubt, the worst I have encountered.
  • You also do not get to demo the eyelashes. It's hard for me to look at a skin, and enjoy it without eyelashes. I feel like eyelashes really complete the skin and make it easier to envision myself in it. That being said, once purchased, the perfectionist in me took over, and made it just as difficult to fit these as it is to fit prim ones. Which is rather unbelievable on a static, mesh head. Why are they not connected to the head in the first place?
  • Perhaps it's from my previous experiences with running a store in SL, that I feel like customer service inquires need to be handled with a little more importance. 
  • I feel like there should be some kind of alpha system for the head. The FAQ on TMP website says to contact the hair creators to make hair for the head. Probably not possible, but would it hurt to even put a different version in the folder with no scalp? Maybe a way to hide it? *Sigh*
  • There are many heads to choose from, however. There's several different face styles to decide on with this series of heads. Which is really a good thing, I hear a lot of people saying that mesh heads take away your individuality, that everyone looks the same. But there's different heads, and different skins make them all different! 
  • It appears more and more skin designers are making for these heads, which will make it better with time. I was filled with glee when I saw the logo on a vendor in Pink Fuel's store. It made me so happy, my favorite skin creator, embracing mesh heads!


Do I regret my purchase? I did at first, yes. I purchased it, and went into a complete panic mode when I couldn't match it up with my body as easily as I thought. Once I got that situated, a huge, much larger panic set in when I put my hair on and found my scalp coming through the top and back of my hair. I went through all the hair in my inventory, trying it all on, while muttering obscenities in my RL. All of this, could have been avoided with a proper demo, instead of some freaky, floating mask.

However, I am much happier now that I found a couple great hair shops that fit this head, and my head and body match well! I will definitely not be purchasing another one, however!


I've been feeling very blah lately. I'm not sure why. Alee and I are apparently over. It only lasted a short time, but I have new found respect for myself, and learned lots of things about myself during my time with him.


I'm not sure why I feel so beh lately. I don't feel like shopping, don't really feel like building my new store build, and I even close all group chat windows when I log in. It seems all I want to do is sit at my land and stare at a wall lately. Its totally not fun, but, I'm not sure how to stop feeling all emo.

I do consider myself very lucky in SL. I have a home, which I love, a semi-successful store, the ability to go on random shopping sprees when I want, a couple really great friends, and a small bit of talent in a few random things. I should be able to shake this emo-ness off, consider how lucky I am - but, what's the point if I can't enjoy it all right now?

I also decided that I'm going to treat myself to getting professional photos done, to hang on my bedroom wall. I was looking to have about 3-4 photos done of myself - with a few specific ideas I have. I wonder if anyone can recommend a great photographer to me? *puppy eyes*


During this time, I decided to start playing Free Realms. Its somewhat of a good break from SL, actually having little missions to finish, do little puzzle mini-games, and explore a new, beautiful virtual world. Its fun, keeps me busy - and I'm so excited because on Friday (when my bank decides to accept my paypal money transfer) I'm planning on buying some StationCash (I guess that's their form of game currency), and a membership, so I could do more missions.

Free Realms is actually a really great game. Its not so much a chatting platform like SL is, but more of a game with goals and missions to complete. I didn't think I would like it so much, but I'm shocked, because I am totally addicted to it.


Ok. Huge ranting post ahead. Beware of a not-happy Sai. I woke up to a not happy morning, and it continues to get worse. Anyway. My rant:

I bought a skybox..... yesterday. After being in the sky for a while - I began to like the privacy, the lack of client lag, and I loved not being able to worry about what the neighbors decided to pop up overnight. It was probably less than a week that I moved back to the ground that one of these things popped up overnight, which is nearly impossible to block out from my land. So, I went skybox hunting. Bought one, decided I didn't like it. Bought a second one today, which I've been eyeing for months - and was probably one of the most expensive things I've bought in SL, at $4999L.

I've visually taken the demo apart many, many, many times - deciding if I liked every piece of this skybox, considering the majority of it is no-mod. I wanted to be absolutely sure I loved the skybox enough to dump that much money on it. This morning, I decided to go ahead and get it, so I bought it, and the $500L scenery add-on pack as well.

Took it home, rezzed it, and immediately hated it. I'm not sure if it was because Kamian points these things out to me all the time, or something different, but I immediately noticed flickering textures. EVERYWHERE.


I thought: "Hmm, maybe it just rezzed wrong." Derezzed it, rezzed again - same result. Alright. Maybe it's the sim? Took it to my store's land on Glenn - same flickering textures. Maybe my graphics settings? Nope. Did the demo house have these textures? I TP'ed there TWICE to check - both times (and all the countless times I looked at in the months before), I seen absolutely no texture problems. It is the house I bought.


I am extremely sad about it, because I really loved this skybox. I can not modify it to fix the problems - the skybox is no-mod, which is why I was so reluctant to buy it in the first place. And I'm really kicking myself for it now.


But other than that, the skybox is really, really beautiful. Because $5499L is a huge amount that I have trouble allowing myself to spend, I've dropped the creator a notecard explaining the problem with included pictures. I really, really, really need to get *some* kind of use out of this, and I do hope he can either fix it - or give me a mod copy, so I can fix it myself. Seriously. WHY MAKE NO-MOD HOUSES!?!


The plus side is that I was able to get a pretty cute looking picture out of it. Kamian showed me some new, spiffy photoshop thing, and I've been playing with it. I also made a shadow - which turned out to be epic fail. It doesn't even match the shadows from the floor. But meh, I tried. ^^


So, when my main PeeCee took its last breaths a few months ago, I traded in my land home for a skybox. The land gave me quite a bit of client lag on the spare computer, but the sky seemed much better. I'm not really sure I miss my home on land, because I don't have to waste prims on landscaping and such in the sky.

This will be a huge picture post, if you don't want pictures, just keep scrolling. I am considering changing houses again, but I wanted to show this house before I get a new house again. xD


My skybox is the Purity from Pixel Mode, and is quite modified. Probably most noticeable is the windows. I wasn't fond of the blinds the house came with, so I took them off and made window tint instead. Kamian took the kitchen door off and made the entrance bigger too ^^


Ever since I received a gift from Azure Islands a few months ago with palm trees and a few 1 prim plants, I've wanted to use them. Palm trees don't really go well with grass, which is what Envision has on the land below, so I stuffed them in a pot up in the sky home :D And, after my Fallingbridge Pixel Mode home, I've gotten to love having a hot tub. So, I'm glad this house has one too :D


I've also been wanting this Planket from the Loft for like, forever. I told myself, the next house I get, will have to have a place for the Planket. While this spot isn't really perfect for it, it works well. ^^


Another set of patio furniture. XD I'm obsessed with them, I swear. I guess that's why I love houses with big patios - I have too much outside furniture that needs to be brought out xD


And inside the house, is sitting area number 1. The TV doesn't work... yet, mainly because I am so lazy and can't be bothered to get it set up. o.o;


Sitting area number 2. And, I just HAD to put the Christmas gift Kamian got done for me up. I think it might have been one of the first things I put out for decorating this house. It still makes me happy whenever I look at it. :D


Another view of the sitting area number 2. I am teh fail at SL interior design, but its still fun to do anyways.


I have blogged this before, but its part of the house, and I have to blog it again. xD My awesome kitchen that Kamian made for me. :D I didn't really like the kitchen that came with the house, so he made this really quickly. ^^


The second thing he made for me was this dining room set. Its super primmy, but there really wasn't a way around it. xD I love it still. Oh, and I made the table runner thing, I'm so proud \o/


Another view of the dining room set. The Loft sent the little console table out as a group gift a few days ago, and it looked PERFECT in the dining room, and was exactly what I was looking for for that spot. Its awesome. :D


Lastly, the bedroom. I had a nightmare of a time deciding on a bedroom set. I absolutely fell in love with a set from The Loft, but couldn't bring myself to pay $3,000L for a bed that will never be used. I hunted around, and found an entire set at Aria for less than half the bed at The Loft. This set came with a vanity, little stool thing, bed, attached bedside tables and a dresser (not shown here) for less than half the cost of The Loft bed. Oh, but the lamps were from the Loft, and I made the hanging wall things. xD

The best thing about this bedroom set: its completely color change! I can change the wood, pillow color, blanket pattern, and pretty much everything else. Omg its awesome. :D


While I love my skybox, I absolutely HATE this. I have no idea wtf it is, but it totally messes up my pretty view of the sky. When I inspect it, its called "Moon", and seems to belong to someone who lives on the opposite side of the sim. And I can't return it because its not on my land.

I didn't notice it when I set the skybox up because my draw distance was set too low. Now, its all I focus on. If I can figure out a way to move my skybox up without having to set everything back up, I will do that -_-


Sorry for my lack of blogging lately. I've been having some really bad toothache problems, as I touched on in my last post. I have no health insurance, and going to a dentist was not an option for me. So, I've been irritable, frustrated and in a foul mood the past couple weeks. I've been feeling a lot like this lately:


Seeing how my toothache will not be going away, my uncle offered to pay for them to get pulled, as an early Christmas gift, so... yesterday, two wisdom teeth departed from my mouth. I still feel kinda bleh from having them pulled, and I need to remember to take the antibiotics they gave me (omg, how can a tooth get infected, anyway? XD) I do feel soooooo much better without my toothache, its amazing. I'm also excited I'll be able to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without pain this year \o/

So, I do have plans to finish the Lolita poses and the December Picks Rewards gift definitely by the end of this month. :D Hmmm. The picks reward poses are going to be difficult to make, I have no idea what I want to do! :O Something with snow? What kind of poses do you do in snow? XD

And, another goal I have now I'm able to focus on things: get my inventory under control, in time for the Christmas hunts. :D


/Start Rant

So, I went to visit the Jewelry Expo last night, and spent a good hour trying to find a low-lag outfit. I took off my AO, scripted objects, and wore less prims as I possibly can while still trying to look decent.

It shocked me - the amount of people who JUST DON'T CARE. I heard people say "Oh, I went and I experienced NO lag! It was wonderful!" What damn planet were you on? I went, and it was not as bad as say, the hair fair - but it could have been so much better.

Problems with the sim? Nope - Miriel did a fantastic job, and the vendors did great. My problem is with freaking morons like this:


This particular person had an avatar rendering cost of 10,071!!! TEN THOUSAND SEVENTY-ONE! At the opening day of jewelry expo! omgwtf. You can see me in the background, in the green, at 395, which seemed about average.

Even big name blogger/designers where there with the average ARC of 3,000. OMG. They are constantly saying: "Take off your prims before going!" on their blogs, but I seen them wearing more prims than there was to put the whole expo together! -.-;

To end on a lighter note - I got new shoes. I've had such crappy luck with Soreal shoes in the past. I bought some of their previous tennis shoes, and even the small size wouldn't fit me. I resized using the scripts, but then theyl ooked ok on the top - but my feet were sticking out on the bottom. I got pissed off and shoved them in a folder, never to be seen again. But, I decided to go out and buy these new Superstars.

I got irritated that people were just TP'ing in, and working the vendor, even though I just wanted to get the black and white ones and get out - and, I was there twice as long as anyone else. Gawd, what is with most people and their disrespect for others in SL? -.-;

Anyway. I was forced to wait until there was NO ONE ELSE in the store, then started flipping through the vendor. And some asshole tp'ed in and and said "-.-" to me. WTH? Soreal owners - PLEASE get rid of those vendors?!


And - here they are. The shoes I waited 3 hours to get + 2 hours to fit.

/ End Rant


It occurred to me a few weeks ago - I retired all my fashion poses in my semi-retirement sale! zomg. I have to have some form of fashion poses, right? So, today, I had a brief flash of inspiration to make something, and - I made a few fashion poses.


I actually think they look pretty good. I've been really struggling with poses lately - I make several, upload them, and decided I hate them all. So, I end up deleting all of them in frustration. So, I'm really happy that I am pleased with these. :D

Also - I am trying to think of a name for this series of poses. I don't want it to be "Fashion" because that's too generic for me. I threw Fashion in through the Thesaurus, and it shot back "Vogue" and "Trend" at me, so now I am bouncing back and forth between those two. ^^

It seems Flickr groups seem to be the going thing lately. It appears all store creators are starting flickr group dedicated for their store... I am curious if I should start one as well. I am not sure what the point is - I was told it was to "encourage people to take pictures of your stuff", but I am still a little weirded out by the idea (I mean, I thought this was only something bigger stores should do?). Then again, I was weirded out when someone suggested I make an update group. I originally thought: Whaaaa? But, it turned out okay... so, I am curious about this Flickr thing.



So, I started working on the skybox again, and I have to say, I don't think I am too pleased with how it is turning out anymore. When I showed it to Kagic - he asked: You aren't putting in windows? And my immediate thought was: Crap.


I thought a skybox wasn't supposed to have windows! So, now - everywhere I look in this skybox, I think, "Ah, a window would look great here." However, this is a huge problem for me, because I absolutely HATE texture windows. I know I don't have a choice most of the time... but if I am making this, I want it to be something I enjoy. That means: I need sculpted windows. -.- On SLX, they start at $600L and skyrocket from there. I think I need some time to decide if this is the direction I want to go. I've already dumped over $4000L into this project with buying textures and crap, so I am at the point where I am thinking: I'm too far into it to stop now.


Maybe I'll take a break from it for a while. Or not, because I am in my "MUST FINISH!" mode with it. T_T BTW - Sorry for the random furniture pictures thrown about, they are meant to show the progress I've made since I finished the kitchen. xD

But omg - the bed! I have to say something about it - I came across this amazing tool called the "PipeMaker". I made the fantastic headboard thing using this tool. It makes making curves and well.... pipe-looking things soooooo much easier. Rez it, adjust the size of the bottom prim, click the top prim, and adjust the curve, length and everything there. It is totally awesome and bypasses the need to adjust annoying mathematical disasters with cylinder to torus matching. It is full perms, so just send me an IM (or comment here with your SL name) and I'll drop a copy on you. ^^


However, I did take some time to try on the new Tuli skins, which I also blogged on FL here - so I apologize if some of you are seeing this picture twice! xD The S3 skins were the current ones out when I first took notice of Tuli and they looked absolutely terrible on my shape. However, every generation of skins after that looked increasingly better on my shape. This one, the new Elizabeth line, looks the best so far. I've always admired people who can really pull Tuli's skins off, because they are beautiful, and I could never do it. But, with this line, I think her skins look beautiful, AND now, work better on my shape.

But. Still not enough to drag me away from my current skin. *Sigh* (And yus - I was naked during that picture above xD)


Today, I want to talk about.... my massive, depressing-to-look-at inventory. It usually takes me several hours to get dressed in SL, and when I finally do decide on something to wear - I don't want to take it off, because it took me sooooo long to find. Which sucks with my fashion blogging lately, because I have to take parts of my outfit off to blog about a specific item (which is why I've been doing several LOTD posts lately). Don't believe me? Let me show you...


Let me explain what this is. You know when you buy something, you get a folder in your inventory under you trash folder? Yeah, thats what this is. The countless amounts of folders that have been built up over the past month. There are almost EIGHT(!!!!!) full inventory windows FILLED with unorganized stuff! And..... this isn't even including the hundreds of boxes from group gifts and such in my Objects folder that are waiting to be unpacked.

I am now considering hosting some kind of inventory organizing party. It's been something I've wanted to do for a while, but I'm a terrible host, and I'm always freaking out if I'm being extremely boring, or something. I've never put on a party of any kind before, so I'm not sure how I should go about it. XD


Casandra pointed out to me in my last post that eventually, people will move on to new favorite skins in a few months, which puts my mind at ease a little. However... I'll be a clone until then T_T

I did manage to pick up some Detour demos while I was there looking at their shoes though. I poked through each demo (gawd! Stop with the $1L demos already! TT_TT) and picked out a few to post here.


I actually kinda like the top two. I think they look very cute, and something I could live with. The bottom left one is very pretty, and I love the tone - however, it seems to have something wrong with the upper lip. It looks a little pinched on one side. O.o; The bottom right - looks a bit creepy to me. XD

And, because I felt weird today, I decided to have a little fun with one of the demos. ^^


I actually really love the Utter Black eyes from Miriel, but never really wore them. They are fun, creepy and picture-worthy all at once. O.o; Perhaps this means I've been playing too much Fatal Frame? T_T


Hiiiiii all! Thank you all for your kind words to me while I was going through PeeCee issues - the whole situation really sucked, and hearing people cared made things a little easier. And to QueenKellee, who offered the best assistance one could over blog comments. :P

The update: PeeCee is up and running again, with the sacrifice of Windows Vista, and all my files. I decided not to get professional help with my computer for a few reasons, actually.

  1. I really don't trust my PC with strangers. PeeCee is my life, and having people go through and violate it is a very strange feeling to me.
  2. With Fall semester coming up, I really don't have the finances to afford a $140USD computer repair bill.
  3. Once it got down to it, the only REAL reason I wanted that hard drive saved was because of those Ad templates. That was the only thing of real value on there to me. But, after thinking about it - those templates were old, outdated, and just not my style anymore.
So, that said, I took the courage and restored PeeCee to the way it was when I brought it home. I am now running Windows XP Media Center, as I did before Christmas (which was when I upgraded to Vista, and my various problems started). My PC is running fast, smooth, and problem free again. :D

Gah. The templates. It killed me to reformat my drive, just because of them. I put so much work into them, and they were the whole thing Imperial Elegance ran off of. I enjoy the concept of them, but there were a few things that were bothering me. I wanted the permissions color-coded, for example, and the font drove me nuts. So, I'll be redoing the pose ads over the next few weeks - once I get the templates ready and pretty. Because of this - the big pose release I had planned will need to be pushed back a bit. TT_TT

The other items? I think I'm going to send them all off to retirement, and having a $1L sale on all random items (other than the furnitures - I'm still proud of them) I've created through the months. I want to focus on poses, because that seems to be what I do best.


Anyway - when I logged in on my computer - the first thing I did was take pictures! I Love taking pictures, and it killed me when I couldn't on the spare. *huggles PeeCee* ohhhh, how I missed yooooous!


I had actually completed the Bare Rose Scarlet Yarn hunt on the spare PC - through much client lag and slideshow viewing, but I reeeeealllllly wanted this outfit! XD Its a bit weird, and probably nothing I'd wear outside of my land... but, I find it amusing :D I love hunts, I love Bare Rose - and, I was able to meet June Dion again during the hunt. So, it was a great way to spend the morning. Also, the story that came with this outfit is soooo cute :D I totally can't wait for the next hunt June is putting on next month!


My PC took a crap on me yesterday afternoon. I turned it on in the morning, and it took like 30 minutes to start up, and was freezing all throughout the day. I ran SpyBot, and restarted. Well, then - PeeCee said "Windows failed to start." Told me that a system config file was missing, and to run my windows installation CD and repair it. Did that, didn't work. T_T

My PC is totally unusable right now, and I have no clue what I can do. Right now, I am on my crappy laptop I use for classes, and I can log in to SL, and view it as a slideshow.

I'm extremely pissed off, for several reasons. First, I was planning a huge release tomorrow with my free AO, and 3 pose sets. Can't do that. Second, if my PC is doomed, I have lost all my ad templates, and all my backup poses, and EVERYTHING. I'm totally ticked, and I can't do anything about it.

I will probably be spending lot of time logged into RL, and I'm sure me and Final Fantasy: Crisis Core will become best friends again. I can't move around in SL on this laptop, so I really can't do anything. I can't build, can't walk, can't shop... really, what is there to do? I can probably try to organize inventory, but... blech.

I will still be logging in in the evenings, to see Kagic - but I think that really might be it. I felt so bad for Kagic last night, I can't go anywhere, so he had to stay home with me. XD *Sigh* Sorry Kagic, we might be staying home quite often for the near future T_T

BTW. If anyone wants the free AO I was going to release, send me an IM or notecard, or something, and Ill send it to you... since I can't release it like I wanted to. TT_TT


Do you ever have those people who you *JUST* don't get along with, no matter how friendly you try to be? Yep, I have two particular ones. One of them, I groan every single time she pops into a group chat I am involved in. She just drives me insane, and really puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day. Even a simple "Hi!" in the group is enough to ruin my day. I usually love this group, but lately, I find myself thinking about leaving more and more - just because of this person. I've tried to be nice, kind, and even quiet. But, she still annoys me to no end.

The other person.... Well, lets just say - I hold really bad grudges. If someone pisses me off really bad, I will hold it against them until the day they die. I do not forgive and forget. So, this particular designer (quite popular at that) said something in a fashion chat channel I am a member of, and I said something sarcastic back to her - because well, thats just the way I am. She proceeded to IM me, telling me how angry she was, and how pissed off I made her. Whatever. She began to belittle me in the fashion group, which really pissed me off. After a "I'm not dealing with this drama" in the chat from me, I closed it. Who knows what was said after that. I've since deleted every single item I own from her from my inventory, and will never, ever shop from her store, no matter how much cool stuff she has. I will never write a blog entry while wearing anything made by her either - Because I'm just that mean. ^^

Anyway. Because I don't want to leave a post like that, filled with my viciousness - I'll also mention that I am officially addicted to Wordle. You basically put in various words or a blog page, and it will combine all the words into a pretty word collage thing. I love it - its soooooo pretty. This is my favorite one I made so far:


I actually really love this image. I am not entirely sure why - but it makes me oddly calm just looking at it. Perhaps because its pink? I'm not sure, but I really enjoy it. I think Wordle has created a way for normal people like me to create beautiful art like this ^^


It always amazes me to see people using my products. I squee when I see my poses used on the fashion feed, and squee even more when I see people using my pictures for their own fun purposes. (The paparazzi pose set was great to see how people used them!). So, I've been working on furniture, because I was really bored with what current things were out there. When I sent out the Americana gift to my group - I had no idea just how much people would use it. Because it was so weird and bright, I had no idea how anyone would use it. I honestly thought it would be rezzed to see WTH it was, then deleted.

But for some reason, people did like it. I was shocked - I received several IMs, telling me that the set is something they were looking for, for their Fourth of July SL festivities, and what not. Maybe they were just being nice? Perhaps, but I felt like the gift served its purpose, and I was happy. I also felt more confident about releasing them this week - because if people have a use for the funky red, white and blue striped ones - people will most likely have more of a use for normal ones. :D

However, it really didn't hit me that people were actually using it - until Alicia told me in the Ch'Know group, that she had seen it sitting out in a particular store. I immediately TP'ed to the store, because I was curious how it was used.


And omg. There it sat. It was placed right in the middle of the store, right in front of the doorway. Ok, ok. So the store was empty - it had apparently been closed right after a massive sale, but hey! The set I made is still there! :D I felt proud, because I had marveled at how beautiful this store build was a few weeks ago, and now - my silly living room set was plopped right in the middle of it. ^^

But no - thats not all. I tp'ed home, and Merrick was offering a party at his beach place. (Ok, not a party, exactly - but yeah) So, Alicia, Bettye and I tp'ed there. I had some problems in the beginning, because it looked like Merrick's prims were outside the door, after everyone had gone inside. I kid you not - I saw his hair and shoes freakishly standing outside the front door. I even hovered my mouse over them, and they had his name as a hovertip. XD


But, once I went in, I was shocked once again! Omg - he was using my dorky living room set too! O.o;;; The strange part was - It fit perfectly in his cute little house. It took up the entire downstairs - but it worked well. :D


And... the next thing I knew, there were sit and spins on the coffee table, and the four of us were spinning. XD OMG, those things were soooooo funny :D

Ah - a bit of RL for a minute. I'm still having really annoying connection issues. I've done what AT&T has told me to do (including buying a new modem that didn't fix my issue), so I am now looking at other internet options. I've priced cable internet in my area, and they are about $29.99, while I'm paying AT&T around $80 a month for my internet. Not to mention the phone service with the cable place is $19.99 a month, where I'm paying out the ass with AT&T.

So, until I get the cable set up - I will continue to apologize to all those people I disconnect mid-conversation with. I really didn't leave on purpose! XD



This is a load of crap. I pay $10USD a month for Second Life, I expect to be able to log in whenever the hell I want. Get rid of the freaking bots and idiots only in SL for sex, so I can log in, please.


5 tries, and I'm still unable to log in. -.-


I have come up with a brilliant solution to the Glenn problem! After thinking about it - who says the building has to be facing my tier box? No one! I am free to rotate the entrance of my building to different directions. Heh heh heh.

And.. it just so happens that - the sim right next to IE is completely empty, and not for sale! :D W00t! I checked the acquired date: Wed Jun 30 12:57:52 2004. Haha, so it appears like nothing is going to be built on that sim in the near future.


So, if I rotate the entrance to my store... the view outside will look like this ^^ I feel much better about this now :D And, now I'll probably be quiet about it - because I have found a solution I am satisfied with ^^

BTW. I am having some serious, annoying internet problems at night. -.- It intermittently goes out, and disconnects me from SL at the most irritating times. Like, omg. I think I am going to have to call AT&T to see wtf is wrong with it. But... when I told the sibling to unplug the internet from Xbox Live... it worked perfectly fine. O.o;;


So, I have come to the realization that this craptastic thing with Glenn will be happening by the end of this month, at the latest - so I needed to get it done and finished. I rolled several ideas around in my head for countless hours, and I think I have come up with a reasonable, interesting prefab, and workable idea.

I started by rezzing a tiny prefab (by Barnesworth, and was originally 20m by 20m) on top of my land to get an idea of the size, and because my land was 4 times the size of one of them, I rezzed 4 in total, in a cute little square. It was ugly sitting on top of IE. Because I didn't want it directly above IE (omg - eww), I moved it 700 meters into the sky so I can work and edit it while I wait for the land conversions. I really don't want to wake up one morning and find my building absolutely gone - so I want to get something ready in advance so all I have to do is drop it down.

And actually.... I think I am pretty proud of the way it came out. In case you haven't noticed, when I have a vision and finally decide to do it, I work pretty fast. I actually become obsessed with finishing it as quick as possible. (I also get tunnel vision during this time - where I completely focus on finishing and IMs get ignored... so if you IM'ed me yesterday/last night, I apologize! I was in obsessive-mode!)


So, here is the semi-finished outline of it. I did change a few things, but the frame is still the same. So, there will be a bottom level and a top level - the bottom half will be down below ground, like a basement of sorts. I plan on putting non-poses down there, and keeping the poses on the top floor. Possibly putting couple's poses on the bottom floor as well. I dunno.


I am not sure what I can put in the windows just yet... but I think I will put a little sitting area or something in between the two door openings. :D

Even though I have found my alternative to this annoying change, I am still very ticked off about it. I think I will wait it out for a few weeks, see how things progress with the changes.... and then decide if I want to stay or leave. Luckily - people are only allowed to terraform *below* their store, so I won't have to worry about horrendous mountains or something. XD I am glad I had enough prims for an entire additional 205+ prim store build above IE, because I would have been extra pissed if customers had to see this mess I had putting 4 prefabricated stores together (thank you Barnesworth, for Mod/Copy prefabs!!!!).

*Sigh* But, I am glad it is done, and now I don't have to worry so much. Now all I can do is wait for an IM from Azure so I know when I can drop this down, and finish my layout.

[EDITED to Say] Sorry if this turns out to be a "I hate" rant post, but I'll be better tomorrow once I get some sleep :D


Ok, I think I am going to have a problem with Imperial Elegance really soon. I received a notecard from Azure Islands (the owners of the sim IE is located on), stating that the land was going to be going through some changes. Well.... Huge changes. The reason I moved IE to Glenn, is because I loved the prefab/commercial zone they have there. I didn't need to shop for a new store or anything because one was already there.

Well. Now they are getting rid of them. Which really sucks for me. Now I will have to go shopping for a prefabricated store. -.- I am not really happy about this, because of several reasons.

  1. Prefab shopping. I hate it and have no idea where to begin looking.
  2. Now people are free to build whatever ugly monstrosities they want.
  3. I am lazy and REALLY don't want to re-do my entire store.
  4. I dislike changes.
However. There are some good things that this change will bring.
  1. The land my store is on will go up in volume slightly.
  2. For an extra $75L a week, I will receive around 300 more prims.
  3. I will no longer need the floor and wall prims to cover prefab ugliness.
  4. I will have terraforming abilities.
  5. I will now be able to create a lower level for more things.
I suppose the good things weigh out the bad... but I just reaaallllllllly don't want to change it. I mean... why change something that works? TT_TT


So, I've been living in Harajukubox Town for a little over 10 days, and as of last night, my mailbox name still hasn't been changed. And~ when I went to pay an extra week of rent to my rental box, the cost for my extra prims hadn't been added to my total. I was frustrated, and suddenly set on moving out.

I started looking for home rentals and found a beautiful home, had its own island, 1000 prims, $2800L/week ... omg - it was amazing. And decided: if my mailbox isn't fixed by the end of the week, I was moving out.

So, this morning when I woke up, I immediately IM'ed the person who I rented at Hbox Town from about the prims, and they immediately fixed it. Ok, that made me a tad bit happier. I logged off for a while, then when I logged back on, I noticed someone on my mini-map, right outside my front door.

I cammed outside to see one of the sim admins (the person who fixed my rental box, and gave me the house tour) .... omg - as a guy. I swear this person was a female before. Shortly after, the other two admins came flying by, landing at my house. OMG, they were there to fix my mailbox! :D :D And! To make things even more awesome..... they were 3 handsome guys. *faints*

And omg - they were the most comical bunch I have ever seen in SL. from pushing each other around, to walking through prims... it was funny XD

Now, I know what you must be thinking: "OMG, calm down - its just a mailbox!" Hmm... no, not really. I found the mailboxes to be the cutest, most personable thing these homes offer. When walking through a normal residential sim, its usually "Oh, thats a house, and thats another house." Well, in Harajukubox Town, is like "Oh, Sai lives there, and so-and-so lives there". So, it becomes more of someone's home with a personality, rather than just 'another house'. With someone else's name on my mailbox, it was more like - "oh so-and-so lives there".... when, well.... they don't. I do. And it began to make me feel like I was living in someone else's home. Which is a feeling I dislike. Or perhaps I am thinking too much into it?

Either way - I got my mailbox fixed, and now with all the bugs worked out and squashed - I am loving this place once again :D


And because I don't want to give you just a wall of text without anything else to look at, here is a picture with my fixed mailbox! I'm sure you can't see it, and probably don't care - but I'm excited about it. I can finally say: "Dis ish meh home!" :D


Ok, this is part 2 of my "Harajukubox Town" post - Where I bore you all with the inside of my home XD

Now, as I said in my previous post, I was immediately TP'ed to the "bigger" home, which was located on the beach. With my new video card, I have a newfound love for the beauty of water reflections - so, I wanted to see that one first.


It was love at first sight. I loved it the minute it rezzed, and I didn't even care to see the smaller one - I knew this was the one for me. Initially, I was a little depressed that I couldn't see the water from all parts of the house, but I think I am over that now - I can just move my camera outside and see all the ocean I could ever want. And omg - I even have a sakura tree outside :D


A closer view of the patio area - I love my tree, and I even put a little chair and table out here. I bought them for a past house, and had to make them useful to me again :D


Now we go inside. I tried all my couches/chairs/living room sets from previous homes, and none fit or looked right. I knew I wanted black furniture to match my rug and coffee table, but it was sooooo hard finding a black sculpted chouch and chair that didn't look manly or made of leather. I found this set at a cute little store in tan - but after I inquired about a darker color to the owner, she tinted it on the spot for me to the exact way I wanted it. I think these look perfect :D


I also bought a set at The Loft, which didn't fit right, and I managed to stick one of the chairs in the corner with a table. I think this is a cute place for it - and I am glad I was able to get some use out of it. :D


And of course, I had to do my room with various stuff that I like. The okota and bunny didn't really have a place anywhere else, so I made this my "silly" room. Aww~ and the rose on the okota - I'm such a pathetic romantic XD


The bunny, which is in the silly room, with my favorite place to perch in the entire house. I love sitting on the window sill :D


OMG, I have something to say about these stairs. I hate them. They constantly look unrezzed to me, even after I select them, relog, clear cache, no matter how long I stand there for. I stand in my home for hours on end, and they NEVER finish rezzing. They are supposed to look like the picture on the left, but always look like the right to me. The reason it took me so long to do a post on this house is because I was waiting for the stairs to rezz properly. -.-


Up the stairs is my bedroom. The words on the wall say " 'Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony' - Gandhi" And omg - All the walls in this house were like, GREEN when I moved in it. I had to beg, plead and cry to the landlord to fix them for me (actually no, all I had to say was "OMG green walls!" and she offered to change them for me XD). They are actually beige now, but my WL settings wash them out a bit.


This is probably the best view of the water I get. But, meh - I can't complain. It's an adorable house that I love so much, with or without water views :D


And, I can even stand on my veranda thing and attempt to do some sexeh modeling. :D I think I might put like, a pink plant or something outside. ^^

I did manage to put a internet radio thing on my land, and somehow.... I managed to get it to work! *beams* And!!! Omg, whats even cooler..... I found anime music stations! I love my anime, and dislike pretty much any other music - so finding Japanese streams to put on my land was a huge Yay for me :D

The prim limits are very reasonable. I have an allowed prim allowance of 275 prims - and I think I am at 266, with my home fully furnished. However, I did more pleading and begging for more prims - which they gave me 100 extra, for only $250L more a week.... bringing my weekly rent up to $1005L, I think.

Its a fun place to live and extremely cute. I think the only time I would leave it, is when I jump over to a 1/4 sim OpenSim (which I want sooooo badly) XD And again, I have no intentions of keeping my home secret - If you want to come hang out with me or want somewhere quiet, just poke me in-world, I'll probably send you a SLURL :D

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