So, its almost been a month at my new home on Envision, and I love it just as much as I did when I first bought the land. I spent quite a bit of time making it look great, and a greater amount of lindens landscaping it. OMG, why are trees and stuff so expensive?! :O
I purchased this land for Kagic and I, where we can have a bigger piece of land for cheaper, can customize it ourselves, to better suit us, and don't have to TP a manager to eject an intruder in the middle of a conversation. I got a house, set everything up - and was so excited to show it to him when he logged in. But, almost one month later - I am still waiting for him to log back in.
One close friend knew about it, I kinda kept it to myself for a while, that he's been missing from SL. A few people told me they were wondering why I wasn't talking about him anymore. So, on Saturday - one month from his last log in date - I de-partnered him. It was difficult, and depressing, but - just how long am I supposed to wait? I wasn't sure about that answer, so I waited a month. I am assuming he has left SL either because he is bored with it, or something had come up.
I also found it difficult to just find someone to talk to during this time. I always fear IM'ing someone, because I know they have more important things to do besides listen to me rant and complain about things. So, I've always kept my thoughts and feelings to myself. But, when I did talk about Kagic and I, I felt relieved, to have some thoughts lifted off my chest. It really made me feel better to just vent and rant it all out. Would it be weird to script a sculpted noob to talk back, so I can rant and vent to it at any time I want? :O
So anyway... Its just me on my Envision land. Sometimes it feels a bit too big for little me, but I still enjoy it. It's serene, quiet, beautiful, and brings a little bit of enjoyment for me. :D Anyway, on to the completed pictures of my house!

Here is the house itself - I still love the dramatic lighting along the trees. Its so pretty :D
The front of the house is probably my most favorite. My completed pond is my most favorite place to be, because its so beautiful and peaceful.
Seriously, I can take pictures of the pond area for hours. There is also a fishing spot in it. :D I also recently upgraded the server to the most recent version last night - the server thing was acting up with a "Please wait a few moments before fishing" hovertext. Seems to work fine now :D
Speaking of fishing - I did want some kind of fish in the pond, and after visiting several places, I wasn't happy with the fish there. So, I managed to buy a transparent aquarium thing from 7Seas Fishing, and displayed some of my caught koi here. It's perfect, and exactly what I wanted. :D
The entrance of my home. I tried quite a few things here - fountains, and various sculptures, but, nothing looks better than a silver plate with a quote. I think it was actually meant for a wall.... but who needs to know? XD
My living room. I was going to take a picture of Kagic and I and put it in the frame above the fireplace, but well... it was never done. So, I put my second favorite photo of me in it. Not sure if it is weird that I frame photos of myself in my own house? O.o;
The neighbor's house next door, used to GLOW. Like omg. it looked sooooooo bad. But, luckily, they seem to have taken the glow off their house shortly after I moved in. ^^
There is usually one room that I can never decide what to do with - this was it for this room. I call it my inspiration room, with a piano, books, words, and stuff. ^^
The hallway was one of the best parts of the house to me - its so beautifully constructed. :D
Meh bedroom. :D Its so pretty, and is always one of my favorite rooms in each of my homes. It was obvious, as soon as I sat this house down, THIS would be the bedroom. Carpeted, with the best views of the house. ^^
The rear of the house. I am looking for some really good non-temp rez waves that look semi-decent. Anyone have any ideas? xD
My last picture of my house. I absolutely love that it is located on the west side of the island, so I can have beautiful sunsets. :D