*sigh* I am Ruthed, confined to my skybox workspace. I've relogged several times, but still get nothing changed. Ah well, it must be trying to tell me I need to work. I'll post about Siyu Suen's Marti Gras Party, as I promised a while ago. First: the unveiling of my costume!

Illusions Marti Gras 2008 Costume - 01

I loooooooooved it soooooo much. Frankly, I thought I should have won the costume contest. :P I had fun putting the outfit together, taking pieces from one dress, and sticking them on another. It was a blast. I worked around the lace over skirt thing from BareRose, because I wanted that the focus of the gown.... things just came naturally together after that ^^

Illusions Marti Gras 2008 Costume - 02

A closeup of the mask. Siyu is the best darn mask maker, so naturally, I'd choose one of her masks to wear to the party. I loved the feathers that matched my wings - sold. ^^


I forced Bats to come along with me. OMG, his hair was 170 prims, and my entire outfit was 166. O_O How in the world does that work? O.o We had a nightmare of a time trying to find shoes that would allow him to wear his hair. The prim limit was 200, and he reeeeaaaaalllllly loves his "Sora" hair, as I like to call it. :P

I took more pictures, if you'd like to see them, you can check them out on my flickr stream.