I've been spending some time to myself lately, just focusing on having some fun and not worrying about anyone else for a while. I have stopped being so emo lately, and I have had one of the best weeks that I've had in a long while. It seems all the planets have been aligned this past week, and everything is awesome right now.

One of the most awesome things: I moved my home from Envision to live on Alicia's sim, Bluebonnet. I was reasonably unhappy on Envision, so I've been secretly waiting for an opening on Bluebonnet. When she announced she had some larger parcels open - I definitely jumped on one.

I love my new parcel - its bigger than the one I had on Envision, and its a corner parcel, which is awesome. :D While I lost my amazing sunsets on my west facing Envision land, I gained sunrises with Bluebonnet. I spent a good portion of yesterday setting up my new residence, and snapped a couple pictures.


I was unprepared for new land, and hunted, hunted, hunted, for a house large enough that I liked. It was total fail. I already have the majority of quality prefabs out there, due to my house ADD, and wanted something different, and new-ish. Total fail. I decided to set up a temporary house - a modded version of the house I loved the most - my Pixel Mode Alloy prefab. Its modded to be twice as big, and twice as difficult to furnish. xD But, I've made the landscaping to be my little tropical retreat already. :D


I've always wanted some little dance area, but a lot of the ones I've seen were either poorly built, or looked...... not very good. So, I attempted to use pieces from my house, and make a matching dance pavilion thing. I'm still not entirely sure why I wanted this, but I had tons of extra space on my land, and nothing to fill it with. I don't hold parties or anything, but now I seem to have a mini-club filled with slowdances. xD

I'll probably be showing a couple more pictures of it, as I furnish it - but these are the only two areas I'm happy with right now. ^^