I really enjoy building. I like to get out a piece of paper, draw out a basic floor plan, label where windows, arches and doors will go, and then watch it come to life as I build it with prims. I love the small accomplishments that I do while building - the feeling of finishing the building, then the texturing, then the overall good feeling when I'm looking at the boxed up package. It's fantastic. That's probably why I'm building so much lately.


This skybox, I'm calling "The Abana". Will have a study, living room, small space for a washer and dryer, a large bedroom, a large joined kitchen / dining room space, and a cute little patio. I've just finished texturing it today, I'm currently working on scripting the doors, then I get to box it. I'm thinking, it should be up on the marketplace by tomorrow evening. I'm excited for it. :)

And yes, it is pink.